Rediscover Your Passion & Purpose
Individual coaching for men who are ready for change
One on One Online Coaching
It feels like Groundhog Day.
Every day is the same.
The same fights with your wife or girlfriend.
The same resentments towards your mother and father.
The same compulsive sexual behaviors.
The same numbing.
The same avoidance and inability to communicate.
You wake up and tell yourself that today will be different.
Today you are going to get your shit together and be the man you know you can be.
You attempt to white-knuckle yourself into shape.
You try to use your willpower and logic to convince yourself that you don’t need to emotionally cheat on your partner or overwatch porn or drink to control your feelings.
But the anxiety and low self esteem build until you eventually give in.
You react. The rage flies out. You get high again. You find yourself in the same cycle of infidelity. The resentment and fear is temporarily alleviated, but nothing has really changed.
The moment of relief is followed quickly and predictably by shame and regret.

Change is possible, but you must work for it.
When it comes to living your best life you can’t be half assed.
You either feed the good wolf or the bad wolf at any moment.
You are either moving towards conscious choice or compulsive reactivity.
You can either keep yourself small or unleash your inner warrior so that you can make an impact, enjoy life and deeply tranform.
Every man and every problem is different.
Some people doom scroll or watch porn to distract themselves. Other people cheat or gamble or drink or drug. Some just stay small and stuck because of perfectionism and self hatred that won’t allow them to move forward. Some men excel in business because of a combination of workaholism and determination, but can’t seem to attract the right partner or have healthy relationships.
But at the end of the day, all of these patterns come down to one thing: Fear winning out over love and truth.
And sometimes it takes a little help once you have decided that fear isn’t going to run your life anymore.
Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will rule your life and you will call it fate.
– Carl Jung
Hi, I’m Dave.
I consider myself a soul architect and shadow integration coach for men seeking to step into their highest selves. I help real human beings who are struggling in the ways I once was to make radical changes, so they can embody the best version of themselves and show up as the warrior kings they always knew they were.
Wherever you are in life, whatever the issues you are facing, I will work with you to figure out what you need to do to make lasting change and start effortlessly kicking ass in life instead of being driven by your shadow and your unintegrated past.
Most men I work with had a smothering mother and an emotionally or physically absent father. Often they have internalized their parents shame or neglect and have become extremely hard on themselves. They feel overwhelmed by romantic relationships and often suffer with sex addiction and other compulsions. The history is not always exactly the same, nor are the obsessions and compulsions, but there is usually relational trauma of some kind. And while I can’t wave a magic wand and erase that trauma in one session, I can help men move through their difficulties with courage and love.
I help men transform anger into enthusiasm, fear into faith, and uncertainty into clarity. Together, we will work to transform and transmute anything that no longer serves your highest good into fuel for a passionate life of love and service.

What I Offer
Break the vicious cycle of bad habits.
Let’s reclaim your power, your spiritual connection, and your inner strength.
I can help you have the kind of life you always knew was possible but thought
was out of reach because of obsession, compulsion, and resistance.
Reach out now and start to become the person you are meant to be.