Can I work with you live?
Currently, I’m only working over Zoom, Voxer, email, and phone.
What is Voxer?
It’s an app where you can send voice notes and texts back and forth.
How long are the sessions?

Sessions are one hour. And for Vox messages, I try to encourage people to keep the voice notes to around five minutes, give or take, and I usually give about that much time back.

Remember that coaching with me is not only about the one-hour session. It’s also about the container. As things arise in daily life, you can continuously communicate what’s on your mind and deal with things in real time.

How do I set up an appointment?
I find doing it over the phone usually works best, but you can also email me at davecashmenscoach@gmail.com. I am busy, so things like Calendly don’t always reflect the most current schedule.
Do you have a cancellation policy?
We will have a contract for three months and then month-to-month. You need to cancel a Zoom session the day before. Otherwise, that counts as your session for the week.
Do you ever work with women?
I am a men’s coach. I work with people who identify as men and refer women to my wife, who works with women.
Do you work with couples?
Yes. My wife and I work with couples as a team.
What do you do in sessions with clients?

Every session is different and client-directed, but we usually try to start with some quiet meditation/tapping into the higher self. Then, we move on to a discussion of what is causing the most suffering. After that, we will discuss how to pragmatically change your habits (if it’s not practical, it’s not spiritual).

Often, there is homework or accountability work, but not always depending on what type of client you are. We may try to give new Neuro-Linguistic Programming, set a goal for the week, or question your stressful beliefs. We will end by digesting and celebrating wins and planning for the next session.

Do clients receive assignments between sessions?
Quite often, yes, but not always. If someone needs to work on slowing down, we may emphasize more rest and self-care. Rest is a habit, too!
What modalities do you use in your client work?

I use techniques and ideas from so many sources and so much of my own life experience, but I will try to give you a sample of some of the big intellectual architects from which I draw inspiration.

When people are stuck in fear and shame patterns, I utilize ideas from a couple of places: 1) The “tools,” a modality invented by Phil Shultz and Barry Michels, and 2) Existential Kink, a book by Carolyn Elliot.

For compulsions, I often use inquiry techniques by Byron Katie and Scott Kiloby, both with whom I studied extensively and have been certified. I especially like Kiloby’s technique called “the compulsion inquiry.”

Other modalities I use include Neuro-linguistic Programming, coherent breathing, and faster eft which is a version of the Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping but also includes a way to reimprint ones memories. I also like practical techniques I have picked up from the books Atomic Habits by James Clear and The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

There is a whole subset of literature and techniques for those working with eating or sex issues (aka process disorders) that I like to reference. I work with a book called The Way of the Superior Man by David Daeda for sex and relationship coaching, as well as “Getting the Love You Want,” by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt

For disordered eating, I sometimes reference Intuitive Eating, although we may go in another direction and work with the book, How to Heal Your Metabolism, depending on the issue and the person.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is required reading for all my clients. I also highly recommend The Artist’s Way for anyone trying to break through creative blocks.

Do you have any degrees or certifications?
I have a Bachelor’s in Religious Studies from the University of Michigan and several certifications.

I am certified in the Kiloby inquiries and “The Work,” of Byron Katie.

I was on my way to obtaining a master’s in counseling, but I dropped out because I found that academia was no longer for me, and I wanted to get started helping people as a coach. I felt ready.

What is your professional training and experience?

I have studied or attended workshops with Tony Robbins, Byron Katie, Scott Kiloby, Rupert Spira, Matt Kahn, and Eckhart Tolle, to name a few. I am certified in the Kiloby Inquiries and “the work” of Byron Katie. I also have certifications in Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki, and Qi Gong.

I have studied positive psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the Neuroaffective Relational Model, and Core Energetics. I don’t currently hold certifications in these things, although that may be changing soon.

What else does a client need to know to make the most out of working with you?
You need to keep an open mind, be highly accountable, and have a high degree of honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness. Also, don’t put me on a pedestal; otherwise, you will have to rip me down, and it will get messy.
If I work with you, will I get a body like Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
No, but he is an impressive man. He and Jack Black are my role models. I see myself as exactly halfway between the two. Maybe you can have a body halfway between the two if you play your cards right. That’s approximately what my body looks like depending on whether it’s winter or summer.
Are you a habit robot who has no fun?
No, I dance goofy, and I have a very insane and slightly dark sense of humor.
Who is your wife?


She is also a coach. She is awesome, and her name is Tatiana Dellepiane. Her Instagram name is @Tatianadellepiane. Her latest coaching program is usually on there.

Do you like dogs?
Hell, yes. We have a little Yorkiepoo. He is my best friend
What was the name of your Off-Broadway play?
It was originally called “Dave cash: fat naked and gay.” Then it became “dickhead: a tale of three penises.” And finally, I just settled on dickhead because it was the simplest. I also have a penis-themed novel called “perv” which I hope to publish soon. I am the Georgia O’Keeffe of penis.
What do I do if I don't like the title of your Off-Broadway play?
You should probably find another coach.