Men’s Coaching

2039784698Men need other men in their lives.

Why is it important to have a men’s coach and not simply a coach? In some ways, it’s not important, and the only thing that matters is an energy exchange between two conscious people trying to alchemize shit into gold (which is what we do). But in other ways, it totally matters.

I could not recover as a bonkers, sexually compulsive, Adderall-addicted, alcohol abuser without the support of my brothers and father figures on the path. For over a decade, I needed conscious men to teach me and show me how to live. I am a firm believer in the long slow burn. Although I am also a firm believer in quick change. It’s A BOTH AND situation, I suppose.

What I needed to learn over a decade ago was what integrity, honesty, and authenticity looked like; how to love yourself without letting yourself off the hook too easily; and how to use your discernment to stop being an asshole to yourself and others.

I had a wonderful father, but he was 62 years old when I was born, so it was more like having a grandfather. That’s why I needed and continue to need conscious men in my life. Most of us, no matter what our relationship with our father was like, need that, too.

I learned how to compensate, act tough, and do well with the ladies from an early age so that I looked more confident than I really was. I was terrified of being vulnerable. There was a lot of pain, shame, and insecurity in that.

Men have hidden wounds.

I’m not sure what your story is, but very few of us come out of our childhoods and adolescent years unscathed by man wounds. There is very little consciousness in our modern culture around how to address those wounds.

What I offer you is a safe space to get real and present to some of your man stuff. That man stuff could be sexual confusion and insecurity; drinking too much to fit in with the other men, or the feeling of constant economic pressure (many of us feel we have to be a superhuman providers with no feelings).

And it doesn’t have to be one-size-fits-all masculinity either.

I work with gay men, straight men, bisexual men, effeminate men, and “men’s men.” The only thing that matters is that we deal with what it means to us to be a man FOR YOU.

We must identify the wounds we got from other men (and women); learn about the integrity and high accountability we should expect from ourselves as men; and learn how to show up for other men and women in our life as a proud, powerful archetype of the healthy masculine.

663323185All men have a divine masculine and a divine feminine side to themselves.

You may ask why I need to make gender distinctions these days. Despite academia’s best efforts, I still believe in Yin and Yang energies, or the feminine and masculine forces within us.

It doesn’t matter if you are gay, straight, bi, trans, gender-neutral, or something else – you must deal with the inner masculine and the inner feminine at some point. Or, if you think you don’t need to, these energies will probably run you in unconscious ways. It’s better, in my opinion, to make the forces within you conscious, so they can express themselves authentically.

Only by being more of my divine masculine could I be more of my divine feminine and vice versa. I cry all the time, but I also show up for myself and my loved ones no matter what. I am a radically creative being, but I have learned to be practical and appropriately aware of money at the same time.

For me, it’s not about being masculine instead of being feminine. It’s about being fully yourself, both masculine and feminine. And sometimes, in my experience, it helps to confront masculinity issues with another man, provided they are a safe, understanding, and compassionate person.

Let me be there for you.

I can be that safe space for you as my coaches and mentors have been that safe space for me – which can change everything. Let’s discover how to create that healthy balance between masculine and feminine energies within you without following any script or stereotype.

Let’s help you figure out how to rest AND take action; to be both nurturing AND a take-no-prisoners boss. Learn how to receive and, yes, how to take control when necessary. When it comes to your happiness, it’s not about being politically correct. It’s about being honest with yourself and making lasting transformations from within, which includes dealing with all the baggage of manhood.

Let me help you deal with this man stuff without piling on more self-pressure and self-flagellation. I have found the father I always needed within me with the help of many other men. That father knows that it’s all about self-care, not self-control – and authenticity rather than pretense.

If you want to find that father within you, I believe I can help.