Personal experience taught me the importance of online coaching.
Perhaps the best way to explain the benefits of online coaching is to tell you about my own experiences with it.
I have two coaches in my life. One, Kyra O’Keefe, is a nonduality master and works with me at what I would call the ultimate level. Her top-down approach affects all my other behaviors. Theresa Dugwell is a Tony Robbins coach and is amazing for the exact opposite reason. She keeps me grounded in the most non-abstract practical ways and gives me goals and accountability.
I like to consider myself halfway between the two. Sometimes, I may coach more like Theresa and other times more like Kyra, depending on what’s needed. I wouldn’t have believed you if you had told me a few years ago that these two online coaches would change my life as much as any in-person therapist. But there is a new paradigm for dealing with ourselves in this modern world which includes the use of Zoom, and I am part of that change.
In the old paradigm, you go to a man with a master’s degree, sit in his office, deal with your transference and countertransference, and obsess about yourself and your childhood. Sorry, that’s reductive – I got a lot out of therapy over the years – but there were limits to that model in my experience. Instead of doing “what you do,” I risked my time and money and discovered the idea of “the container.”
Creating a safe container with my coaches worked better for me than anything else had.
The container is important because it means you carry the coach around with you wherever you go, not as a self-pressuring, shaming Jiminy Cricket, but as a reminder of your commitment to your transformation.
I email Theresa every night about my eight daily habits; the ways in which I was of service to others (which is an essential part of getting change to stick… you can’t keep it unless you give it away); and what inward improvements I could make.
I use Voxer to discuss my worries about the world with Kyra. We discuss how to apply non-dual understanding to my relationships, how to recondition from my inter-generational trauma, and how to break through the matrix of fear and mental suffering.
I adore working with Theresa and Kyra. I have never met either one in person. I know that the energy those two containers created within me is worth the investment three, four, or five times over.
You can have the same experience.
I genuinely believe that you can have the same kind of life-changing experience if (and this is a big if) you avail yourself of everything the container offers. You can use Voxer or email to get the most juice out of coaching with me, which will leave you a satisfied customer. Then, you can tell other people how life-changing your experience with me was – just like I am telling you about Kyra and Theresa.
If you want to work with either of my coaches instead of me, I will not be offended. I will happily pass on their numbers to you because we live in an abundant universe, and the right clients need to go to the right places.
There are several reasons you may want to try a container with me. You may want to change your behaviors so you feel more healthy and high-performing. You may want to change how you think, experience fear, or feel anger and grief. You may want to become more accountable. Or you may be sick of doing the same things repeatedly, expecting different results. Whatever the case is for you, I encourage you to take the same leap of faith I took and try this coaching container thing out.
Coaching is a game-changer in a way nothing else is.
I know that from experience. I’m not just blowing smoke. I would end with a Michael Jackson quote from his song Man in the Mirror… but quoting Michael Jackson seems weird these days.
Nevertheless, you get my point from those imaginary lyrics. It’s time to squeeze some juice and make some change… na na na na…na na na na…na na…na na…(mixed metaphor).
I hope you talk to the hopefully not nearly as creepy man in the mirror and make a change by sending me an email.